Every company needs physical address for registration in case of non-residential owner we will accommodate you by purchasing that address as it’s necessary for the documentation process and to show the existence of you in that specific state or country. In case of residential person, the authorized address will be recommended.
Requirements For Virtual Address:
Requirements for virtual address
1- Owner full name
2- Date of birth
3- Email address
4- Mobile number
5- Residential address
6- Company name suggestion
Employer Identification Number
EIN which is Employer Identification Number that is assigned to a business entity so that it can easily be identified by International Revenue Service(IRS). It is commonly used by employer to pay taxes.
Requiremets for individual EIN
1- Owner full name
2- Mobile number
3- Email address
4- Residencial address
5- Company name
6- We will get it through call to IRS
Requiremets of Registred Company Based EIN
1- Approved article of organization
2- Certificate of LLC
3- Email address
4- Phone number
A sales tax license, also known as a sales tax permit or registration in some states, is an agreement with the state tax agency to collect and remit sales tax on items sold by your business. With a sales tax license, you’re required to collect state and local sales tax in the state that issues the license, and then remit that money to the proper state or local taxing authority. In states that collect sales tax, this license is a must if you form a sales tax nexus, or bond, with that state.
Requirements for seller permit:
1- Owner/partner detail
2- EIN number
3- Phone number
4- Email address
5- Company details/ approved article of organization
6- Social security number(0ptional)
Limited Liability Company
A limited liability company (LLC) is a business structure in the U.S. that protects its owners from personal responsibility for its debts or liabilities. Limited liability companies are hybrid entities that combine the characteristics of a corporation with those of a partnership or sole proprietorship. Limited liability companies are permitted under state statutes, and the regulations governing them vary from state to state. LLC owners are generally called members.
Requirements for LLC registration <US>
1- Company name suggestion
2- Owner/ partner full name
3- Address (home)
4- Email address
5- Mobile number
Individual Taxpayer Identification Number
The Individual Taxpayer Identification Number, or ITIN, is to a nine-digit number issued by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) to residents of the U.S. who don’t have Social Security numbers as well as nonresident aliens when they need to file a tax return.
Requirements for ITIN
1- Owner full name
2- Mobile number
3- Email address
4- Home address
5- Passport
6- Date of birth
Resale Certificate
When purchasing items for resale, registered sellers may avoid the sales tax by giving their supplier adequate documentation in the form of a resale certificate. A resale certificate indicates the item was in good faith that the purchaser would resell the item and report tax on the final sale. As a seller, you may also accept resale certificates from others who wish to purchase items for resale.
The certificate may be in any form, but a blank resale certificate. The certificate may be in any form so long as it contains:
1:The name and address of the purchaser.
2:The purchaser’s seller’s permit number (unless they are not required to hold one1).
3:A description of the property to be purchase.
4:An explicit statement that the described property is being purchased for resale.
5:The date of the document.
6:The signature of the purchaser or someone approved to act on his or her behalf.
E-Commerce Website
An e-commerce website is a website that allows you to buy and sell tangible goods, digital products, or services online. Cor services are providing E-Commerce website services for our clients in WordPress, Joomla, and Wix in a very professional way with very reasonable prices.
Requirements for E-Commerce website:
1- Domain name for your website
2- Owner full name
3- US phone number-
4- Company address
5- Email address
6- Logo
Bank account will be opened according to the feasibility regarding state in which you want to register a company we will try our best to make things convenient for you.
Requirements for virtual address
1- Owner full name
2- Date of birth
3- Email address
4- Mobile number
5- Residential address
6- Company name suggestion